Eckehard Schulz

The AL-ARABIYYA-INSTITUTE was founded in 2011 by Eckehard Schulz, Professor at the Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig. It can draw on many years of experience in the Arab world. It places the transfer of research results and service offerings for students and teachers and for the interested public at the center of its activities. It also sees itself as a center for the development of teaching and information materials not only for academic Arabic classes.

In the summer of 2018, the profile was expanded with the addition of Hans-Georg Ebert, a professor at the Oriental Institute who teaches Islamic law and the law of Arab countries in theory and practice.

Modern StandardArabic - With Integrating Main Arabic Dialects

The textbook “Modern Standard Arabic” by Eckehard Schulz has been a standard textbook for years, even far beyond the borders of Germany. With the online version of the textbook, the AL-ARABIYYA INSTITUTE has been able to set new standards for academic Arabic teaching.

Arabic language proficiency test with certificate

The AL-ARABIYYA-INSTITUTE offers a standardized Arabic language test based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages. The AL-ARABIYYA-TEST, which has been on the market since 2011, offers a transparent review of Arabic language skills. The test also provides comparability of the language level reached in different Arabic teaching institutions  because the AL-ARABIYYA-TEST is independent of the language acquisition background.

independent, recognized & fair

online 24/7

regardless of the language acquisition background

testing from the comfort of your home

Testing of Arabic as Foreign Language

Capacity Building in the field of Islamic law and Law of the Arab Countries

The Al-ARABIYYA-INSTITUTE offers the possibility of capacity building for public and private institutions and for individuals in the field of Islamic Law and Law of the Arab countries also in cooperation with partners in the Arab world since this field will be of growing importance in the years to come because of the most recent developments.

A significant publication in this field is Islamisches Recht. Ein Lehrbuch. Leipzig 2016 written by Professor Hans-Georg Ebert assisted by Julia Heilen.

The AL-ARABIYYA-INSTITUTE also accepts or provides services in the following areas:

Highest quality translations

  • Translations Arabic⇔English by sworn translators
  • Translation of Arabic law texts
  • Intercultural adaptation and editing of translated texts
  • Creation of ready-to-print templates of translations (including right-left fonts)

Internet sites & mobile apps for Android and iOS

  •  HTML5, CSS3, CMS, PHP, Javascript
  •  Conception & design & programming
  •  Multilanguage: Arabic, Urdu, Farsi / Dari, German, English, Indonesian

Professional development / webinars

  •  Crosscultural competence and cooperation in Germany and abroad
  •  Business etiquette – Arab world
  •  Workshops and courses in the field of Islamic Law and Law of the Arab Countries


  •  Consulting for individuals and institutions in culture, politics, law and business
  •  Accompaniment of negotiations as a consultant and “business angel”
  •  Reports and evaluations in related fields

Capacity Building

  •  Preparation of Arabic teaching materials (XHTML, WordPress)
  •  Development of internet-based courses and information concerning the Arab World and Islamic Law


  •  Lecturers on Arab and Islamic topics from home and abroad
  •  Sworn interpreters for Arabic⇔German for interpreting & community interpreting